Waiting. Normally, I would say I'm a pretty patient person. In this case, that isn't true. In less than two weeks I will be boarding a plane (and after a layover in Atl) landing in Barcelona, España. I've had my bags packed for a month...
So I am stuck waiting for my adventure to begin, and considering I've never been out of the country or really ever traveled on my own, it will be both exciting and scary. But as made apparent by my hugely over-packed suitcase, I'm ready!
While in Spain, I will be taking a Spanish language course for credit through KU, while also being thrown in the midst of a city and language I don't know. ¡No hablo español! Ok, I know a little, and by a little I mean three years of high school Spanish and a semester at college. Still I feel completely inadequate with the language. Hopefully that will improve over the six weeks I'm there.
Also, my genealogy and my family name Fuentez (Fuentes) traces back to Spain. Families with this name were established in Catalonia, and at the heart of Catalonia is the capital city of Barcelona. So perhaps I will run into some of mi familia while over there... es posible.
My journey begins July 1 when I leave KCI airport, and (thanks to the time difference) I won't arrive in Barcelona until July 2.
I'll keep ya posted!!